Main Functional Domain of TGI
A) Capacity Building & Training
B) Innovative Education
C) Publishing
Other Activities
To know our other activities such as Action, Research, Networking, Partnerships and Communication, please read our websites and
The Grassroots Institute specializes in developing the skills and potential of individuals and attempts to deliver multicultural education and training. Capacity building activities include facilitation of effective human resource, democratic participation and community involvement in field programs, improved quality and equity in community initiatives, and integration of advocacy perspectives. It offers uniquely relevant, international-quality and professional education opportunities for the potential leaders, managers and field personnel of development projects of government agencies, support agencies, academic institutions, NGOs other civil society organizations.
The Grassroots Institute has conducted series of field studies in the past on varied topics and issues. Methodology of delivering research functions includes conceptualizing, executing, disseminating and presenting the research studies that are mostly applied in nature. The Grassroots Institute does involve chiefly the exploratory empirical research and advocacy-oriented studies. To improve the knowledge base and share the findings and experiences the GI takes part in discourses by organizing workshops, conferences, events, etc. or through presenting the research findings in national and international conferences, seminars, symposia, etc. Most importantly, the outcome of the studies is linked with capacity building and educational functions of The Grassroots Institute as also used in updating and formulating the policy dialogues and opinion building.
The Grassroots Institute has executed couple of valuable projects in Great Himalayan National Park (India) and advocacy-based action research and policy advocacy projects addressing access and benefit sharing (ABS) and pastoralism and rangeland issues. The Grassroots Institute has certain focus on issues under identified initiatives. In the time to come, initiatives will be geared to plan, develop, and execute interventions in a sequential manner to evolve critical learning and advocacy-linked follow up actions. We intend to bring about macro changes through alternative policy frameworks at the global, national or local scale. However, the prevailing policy frameworks can sustainably be influenced from first-hand empirical learning emanating from direct field projects. Therefore, the Grassroots Institute thinks the projects in a continuum of field action, advocacy interventions and policy change process.
Publications are important tools of communicating and disseminating of learning, knowledge, ideas, issues, news, and voices of the people. The Grassroots Institute publishes Grassroots Journals and open access TGI Books.